Sunday, August 3, 2008

Treasures in the Cedar Chest

In 1950, my brother, a junior in high school, made me this cedar chest in wood shop. It has had many things in it over the years--Story Book dolls, my precision roller skates (yes, I was a roller skater in the late 40's much to my Father's displeasure), my collection of Nancy Drew books and on and on and on. Many different things have come and gone.

To really appreciate the hand work on these articles, double click and you will be able to see the details so much better.

About a month ago, I decided that my brother's daughter should have it since it was made by her Dad. So..............we unloaded it to get it ready for a ride to California. It took me for a walk down memory lane. So many memories. I am going to share a few with you. I didn't iron anything because I wanted the "look" from so many years captured in that chest.

On the very top was Jonathan's blanket sleeper. If you look closely, you will see that the side with the animals on it is picked bare! Jon sucked his left thumb, while using his right hand to roll up fuzzy balls to make sucking more pleasurable. If you double click on it you will see how thread bare it is. He also had a small teddy bear that had nothing left on it. He called it his bare bear!

Next out was a heavy flannel jacket my mother had made for me before I was born. It has crocheting around all the edges, and dainty little flowers embroidered down the front.

A handmade appliqu'ed crib coverlet was the next keep sake. It is still in excellent condition
and is a real treasure. I don't know the history, but suspect it was something Mom made for my layette. She was a marvelous seamstress and did a lot of handwork.

These were brother and sister tops to an outfit she made when we were about two and four. My brother had white wool flannel shorts and I, a little white matching skirt. We had straps over the shoulders which were threaded through crocheted threads in the shoulder seams. As you see, our names were embroidered on the front. Truly, ironed and starched, they were smashing little outfits. They were only one of many mother made for us to wear together
during our preschool years.

Well, that's enough for one night. Can you smell the cedar??

Stay tuned--there will be more!


Kim said...

What a beautiful collection of treasures! Thanks for sharing.

Wendi said...

Well I have just caught up again and love the treasure box, mine is not quite so big but I love putting things in it and look forward to sharing it with my grand children in years to come, especially as all of their paintings and cards they make me go into it
Unfortunatly my mother never saved anything from my childhood but I do have some lovely memories
I love the 2 little outfits I bet you both looked so cute in them and I can just imagine you roller skating I loved this too never could ice skate tho
Wow 5 cleaning ladies what I would do for just one
And I loved the card you made from the sketch thank you for taking time to joining in

Wendi xx

sister sheri said...

Oh, how I would love to see photos from the time when these precious outfits were worn!

Anonymous said...

This is so sweet! I love seeing the things your mom made! I like your pictures too. That's a good idea...I may copy you...except it would be hard to pick three favorites...we'll see! :)

Amy said...

I could smell the cedar!!!!! Thanks for showing me the special things inside. There is nothing to compare with baby clothes. It reminds us of how magical our Lord is...from the magic of birth to all our growing years! He is always with us.
Adorable precious memories inside that chest. I am glad you are passing it on to be treasured some more!!
Jonathan's blanket sleeper is filled with memories, for sure!!