Monday, August 24, 2009

A Letter from Iraq

Sarah is the daughter of a friend of mine. Her Mom has shared her letters with me since Sarah was in basic training over two years ago. She was deployed to Iraq in July as a trained paramedic. It is her first love.....however she has a commanding officer who discovered she knows the computer rather well, and she is currently being kept in an office. Understandably, she is upset not to be doing what she has trained for and loves so much.

This letter came and it was so poignant, in the hymn she shares, as well as her expressed affection for her parents, that I wanted to share it. I think every mother's heart will appreciate this girl's heart for the Lord and her desire to serve him with gladness in all she does. I think most mother's hearts would love to receive a letter like this. I have found Sarah's letters to be so open and honest that I am always refreshed when one of her
missiles arrives.

Her letters have kept me remembering what our service people go through in these bleak, desert countries and some of the verses to her hymn certainly describe her situation.

With Sarah's permission, I share this letter with you.

My darling mother,

I love you. I don't think I say that enough and I do. You and Dad have
taught me so much about how to live, how to love and what to value. Because
of you I know how precious life is and how to rejoice when it is good and at
least try to be patient and accepting and as as joyful as possible when it's
not. Thank you.

Tonight I went up to the diving board, "my special place" and I was singing
softly to myself and "Blessed Be Your Name" came to mind. Honestly it comes
to mind often here.

Blessed be your Name
In the land that is plentiful
Where your streams of abundance flow
Blessed be your Name.

Blessed be your Name
When I'm found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness
Blessed be your Name.

Every blessing you pour out
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be your Name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be your glorious Name

Blessed be your Name
When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's all as it should be
Blessed be your Name.

Blessed be your Name
On the road marked with suffering
Though there's pain in the offering
Blessed be your name.


You give and take away,
You give and take away,
My heart will choose to say
Lord, Blessed be your Name!

A fellow in a different company was hit and lost a leg. One of my buddies
was the medic that treated him. I hate not being able to comfort, I hate not
being able to ease the pain, I hate that the world's not as it should be and
never can be until God reigns supreme! What is it you say? Come now Lord
Jesus! I pray fervently that His healing hand would be on that soldier and
that He would also bring comfort and healing to my friend.

I love you and am so thankful for you! Be Strong and Courageous! Know that I
am in the Lord's hand, I am confidant of that, I hope you are as well!

Always, and eternally, His,

Your daughter, Sarah

Since this letter was written, it appears that her desire to tend to the wounded is going happen.

"I got the word today that I will be allowed to go on convoys. I know this
isn't exciting news to you but I have felt distanced from my fellow soldiers
being at the TOC and having the opportunity to be with them is something I
cherish. I'm not assigned to one for over a month and I won't be able to
tell you when I go out but know that I am in the Lord's hand wherever I am!
As are you, for which I'm so thankful."


Kim said...

Thanks for sharing this, Joan!

Kathleen said...

Priceless. She utters her words of love with such devotion and grace. I can only imagine how proud and comforted are her parents, but I also imagine how proud is The Father. What a testimony!

Thank you for passing along such a treasure.


Ruth said...

Thanks for posting this - with a nephew in Iraq, two on their way there and one on his way to Afghanistan - I think of our service people often - I will add her to my prayers as she comes to mind!

sister sheri said...

Oh my heart! Thank you for sharing this letter. May God bless this young precious lady and her family. We'll keep her in prayer... and keep us updated on her.