Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Odds and Ends

My tooth surgery is behind me and I was thrilled with the lack of pain!! Its been a great recovery--some bruising down my chin, but truly unremarkable for which I am soooo thankful!

Unfortunately, I've been down for eight days with my back....and so since I have nothing exciting to post about, I'm going to share some pictures of the Christmas spirit at my house---where I no longer do a big tree, but have groupings of pretties collected together. Nothing exciting like I have seen in some of your beautiful pictures...but its all I need for this chapter of life.

The entry way, looking down the hall.
From the entry looking toward the kitchen.

The pie tin in the family room with all of the little goodies, trains, etc.
The hearth holds joys from childhood with a large red tin of
Christmas books from over the years.
On the mantel is a catchall of hand crafted wood items.
The candy cane tree is a project from many years ago. This is the family room and all decorations are available for kids to play with, look at and explore.

Since son, Jonathan, was married eighteen years ago, we have the tradition of them sleeping overnight at my house and getting up together for stockings in the morning, followed by a Christmas breakfast. I try to make it festive and always have the table looking pretty. The following two pictures are from the breakfast tables from several years ago. and I have no idea why this suddenly began to underline!)This was the year of decorating with tulle--notice the light fixture even!

This must have been when the children were small, as
I am using the everyday dishes!

This is my current dining room--not yet set,
but it will be beautiful for Christmas morning!

This is one of my favorite rooms, for I love how the sunlight dapples into the room!


sister sheri said...

You may not put up a tree... but your house is definitely a festive place to be!

Pam said...

Your home is lovely!
By the way...I have something for you at my blog.

Anonymous said...

It is looking gorgeous. Glad to hear the pain is behind you!

Deborah said...

So nice to read your surgery is behind you and you managed so well! Your home looks so cozy and inviting for the holidays! Sorry to read about your poor back! My knee is not working and my hands are going, I think I will have to have a little creating break! I swear the ailment list is endless! May the lord bring us a healthy more pain free new year! Deb

Robin Lambright said...


I hope your back is better soon.


Sally said...

No tree is needed for your home. It is so festive without it. I have a small tree and nothing else. For some reason just couldn't muster the decorating spirit and for me that is unusual. I normally decorate everything. LOL

Kathleen said...

What a lovely place to lay low while your back gets better. I could relate to that, as I've got some osteo-arthritis in my back, hips & hands that troubles me from time-to-time.

So, I hope you're full of vigor in the days ahead. It looks to me like you're ready!


Kim said...

We have a red tin full of our Christmas books too! Your house is lovely, and I'm wishing I had been able to make it out to see you. Stay warm! It's going to be a cold and stormy one today. :D