Sunday, September 7, 2008

More treasures from the cedar chest

My first post about the cedar chest featured lots of baby clothing worn by my brother and me. Tonight as I was getting some of the stuff ready for this trip down memory lane, I realized that I was a scrapbooker before the activity was so popular!!

Bear with me as I take you down the lane of over fifty years ago and share with you some of my books.

My first album was started when I was about eight years old. It was a photo album only. As I was looking at it, I was thinking I must have thought I had really "arrived" with the white ink!
This is my high school album....and that was a scrapbook!! I never threw away one ticket stub, one napkin, or anything that could go in that book. I had pictures mixed in with the keepables, so I think it classifies as a true scrapbook. Can you imagine what fun it would have been to have had stickers, colored pens, and all the bling we have for today's scrapbooking??
This page holds a rock from the cove in Seaside, Oregon where I knew a lot of kids from visiting there with my best friend at their cottage. The rock was to commemorate a good beach party!
Roller skating was another favorite past time when we visited Seaside. The Rink was right on the turnaround, where five stories of condos stand today. At sixteen, we thought that roller rink would always be there. We had no idea how popular beach front property was to become! (if you click on the picture, you can see the rink, right there on the beach front)

Here's a page of pictures. I wonder what we would have done with a digital camera?? Oh! Wow!

And no high school scrapbook would be complete without a picture of the football team!
So...........Let me introduce you to the football team of
Beaverton Union High School in 1946!
This group would change with each year, but they never failed to capture the hearts and dreams of all of the girls for all four years of high school!

The year books were well-loved, well-signed, and well-read. For those of you who are familiar with the Beaverton area, there were only 300 students in the high school in that year of 1946. We had all of the students from Aloha, Bethany, Bonny Slope, Sylvan and Cedar Mill as we were the only high school between Portland and Hillsboro.

I will close with a penmanship certificate which we all worked for during the grade school years. I think this was my last one. Its interesting that I started cursive writing as a first grader and never learn to print. When I started teaching I had to learn to print properly.

Until the next, and last installment of the cedar chest, I hope you enjoyed this little bit of history and the ragged old scrap books


Kim said...

This is some really interesting memorabilia! I really like the Seaside postcard and had no idea there used to be a skating rink there.

As a side note, would you recommend skipping printing? I have tossed around the idea of just going straight to cursive with Abby, but I am not sure if that's the best plan or not (she actually can print some already though).

Twinmommy2boys said...

I really like this idea. I just got a ceader chest and started putting things in it from my childhood and some things from when my kids were babies. I look forward to adding stuff yearly.

sister sheri said...

Ohhhh! What fun is this... I can smell the cedar from here! Wow! That is so neat about the roller skating rink... and that you thought it would always be there... my how times change!

ShabbyInTheCity said...

Oh boy! I love these old albums and that white ink :) I bought one recently for $ won't believe...inside was a letter typed by Nixon on White House letterhead (office of vp) and signed in ink by him. Unfortunately you have to pay to get such things authenicated :(
I know it is real because of the dusty old box it was down in the bottom of. And we had one already (long story) and they match.
That isn't why I came to your blog though...(O'Charley' prob. have it too) and the thing I always order is Beef Tips Monterey which is your recipe only with Monterey Jack cheese melted on top. thought you might like to try it that way :)

Ruthie said...

I love your scrapbooks. You're right, what fun it would have been to have all the doo-dads and bling we have today! You'll just have to do some current day scrapbooks and use all that stuff. :)

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

I adore your old scrapbook. I recently found a old scrapbook my Father help me make when I was a wee one. It is match book covers. He worked for the L&N Railroad and we have matchbooks from all over. I just love it as I do you's also...Wednesday Blessings to you..m.

Anonymous said...

I THOROUGHLY enjoyed looking at your "scrapbook" and things. Keep sharing!!!!!!!!

Joanne@ Blessed... said...

This is just AWESOME. I love looking at things like this. You were quite the scrapbooker. What a blessing to have such beautiful little snapshots of your life to look back on.

I have to share that my secret dream job is to clean out old attics. I would just LOVE that!

I can't wait until your next cedar chest post.

Joanne :O)

Amy said...

What absolute precious things. I loved the young thought perspective about things (buildings, etc)always being there and staying the same. It sure does shake up a person to think of all the things that do change, right?
You graduated the year after my Mom. No wonder I love you and your stories!!!!! Her stories were all the same time period growing up. I loved her stories.