On the blog http://www.nogreaterjoymom.com/
We have been asked to share our adoption stories, so I thought I would share mine. At the time I adopted my son, there were only two states which allowed single adoptions, Oregon being one of them. I was the sixth person in Oregon allowed to adopt under this new law, so I am somewhat of a pioneer in the field of single adoptions.
I didn't know how to get a picture up here, but I'm highlighting three posts which tell of my adoption story. There are gobs of pictures.
You might be interested in knowing the baby I adopted is now 47, is a beloved pastor, husband and daddy. Isn't the Lord good?? We had some rough post high school years, but the Lord restored the boy and he is a testimony to the faithfulness of the Lord. Also from him came my darling grandchildren, Elliot (named after Jim Elliot) and Molly--now 19 and 17!
Our home was full of children from the foster care system, as well as a later adopted Korean little girlie, and two foster kids who stuck with us until they were on their own, so we consider them part of the adopted family.
Its been a busy life and now at age 80 its slowing down. I miss the hustle and bustle we once lived in!!
all things converging...
1 day ago
You have an amazing story and life! Thank you for sharing it with the rest of us. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I love this post!! Don't know HOW I missed it til today!
I'm going back now to see the ones you highlighted!
Thank you for sharing your story. You are truly an amazing woman!
I so loved reading this again. It's been quite awhile since I've been able to visit. So grateful you're still writing!
God uses the words He gives you to bless me so.
Had a few minutes to blog hop today and yours was one of the blogs on my list. What a wonderful inspirational story.
How blessed I am to be a friend! A far away friend, but we both know that our friendship is forever!
I am grateful that you are back in blogland!
Love you and we will meet this summer!!!
Hug, Jenxxxx.
So pleased I found your blog via Wendi at Ooh La La. I too adopted my twins, boy and girl, 45 years ago....where did those wonderful years go. I am blessed with 4 delightful grandchildren. No twins yet but I guess they'll skip a generation. Can't imagine how my life would have been without these delightful children. Thank you for sharing your memories too. Blessings Wynn xx
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