Friday, February 6, 2009

Farewell for now...

Its with a real sense of sadness that I say good bye to blogging on this blog for now, as other things in my life will be taking up my time in the months to come. I have loved your visits, your loving and encouraging comments, getting to "know" many of you and just the fun and challenge of thinking of things about which to post!

As many of you know, who have followed my blog, I suffer from chronic and, at times, acute, pain in my upper back of over thirty years duration. The acute phases are happening far more frequently and I'm sitting more and more. A terrible cycle has continued in my body over these many years, in my muscle skeletal system and the time has come (way over due) to start repairing the damage that has been done.

Yesterday I was evaluated at a very long session (six hours) at a Rehab Institute which has had great success with pain management. Long story short, my life style is going to change dramatically in the next few months.

I will be meeting at the rehab institute one day a week for several hours of therapy.

I have therapy to do at home with "rubber bands".

I must ride my recumbent bike daily.

I will be in a specialized aquatic program three days a week.

I must keep a food diary daily.

I must get to bed between eleven and twelve p.m., instead of between two and four a.m.

This is a drastic life style change for me. I am hoping that I will have time to still make cards! I am going to continue with my card blog, hopefully, for now.

If you ever think about it, I would so appreciate your prayers, as this is going to be one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. The consistancy is a necessity, which will be difficult for me. (I am making a spread sheet for some accountability)

I plan to keep up with your blogs, but will not be as faithful at leaving comments because of these new time constraints.

Good-bye for now.

Its been a great ride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Almost Wordless Wednesday

Here's a night shot taken recently during our big snow event, no idea who took it, but to get that much clarity and depth of field they were good!! The Hawthorne Bridge is one of the several which crosses the Willamette river through the heart of the city. The river is very still in this shot, which is unusual, but for the small hours of the morning when river traffic is nil and the wind is quiet.


Sunday, February 1, 2009

"Daddy's here."

Several years ago my grandchildren were baptized by their Dad one Sunday after the morning service at their church. As grandson, Elliot, stepped down into the water to join his waiting Dad, he was visibly shaking and his nervousness was very apparent. As soon as he was in the water, his Dad gathered him close to himself and through his mike we could hear him say to his son, "Its okay, buddy, Daddy's here." And with that Elliot's body relaxed into his Dad's.

As I heard this, of course, I was moved. I almost immediately thought of our relationship with our Heavenly Father. We tremble and shake over the courses of events which fill our lives, and yet when we will relax in Him, can't you almost hear Him say, "Its okay, child of Mine, 'Daddy" is here."

How often I forget the beauty and simpleness of it all. My Father, God, has everything about me wrapped in His love and in His presence. What a wonderful comfort!!